Pro Cultura Subcarpathica
Gromadska Organisacija Pro Cultura Subcarpathica is a non-governmental organization (registered in 2011), active in the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine with the aim of assessing local cultural conditions, developing and preserving cultural identities, organizing cultural life, enhancing the role of actors in cultural life.
Our key activities are divided into three pillars:
I. ORGANIZING EVENTS (40-50 a year) aimed at presenting the participants of cultural life in Transcarpathia, providing opportunities for introductions in concerts and festivals.
II. CONSERVATION OF TRADITIONS aiming at the search for and the survival of local traditions in the public in the field of folk dance, music and culture
III. MEDIA, we are the creator and developer of Transcarpathia's news portal. Our media experience makes us suitable for performing a new development concept, approach, and model promotion. Media plays a very important role in shaping and communicating attitudes.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pg/proculturasubcarp/about/?ref=page_internal