Fifty minutes around the Earth (A9/4)

2019. October 17.
Courtyard of the Franciscan Monastery, Deva, Romania

The children of the Saint Francis Foundation and all those who took part in the fabulous production of the Csíki Chamber Orchestra in the courtyard of the Franciscan Monastery of Deva could fly around the world in just one hour. What's more, the trip cost no more than a penny, just popping in to the amazing music and on the back of a Viennese dancing polka, the trip to Spain, famous for the bullfighting scene, flew to O sole mio for Italy, then Texas, Africa and then Arab they were able to visit, chill in the Turkish bazaars, and with the Hungarian hits they went on a small trip to János Hill. In the meantime, she could ride, throw lasso, shoe, sneak, and of course laugh and sing along with Mary Poppins, who teaches you to always smile.

The cheerful journey was led by two wonderful stewards: Győző Lukácsházi guided the traveling audience with a nice, humorous frame story, while his co-author, the conductor Sándor Balog, led the crew, ie the Csíki Chamber Orchestra.